Sandra Priestley Coaching

My life lesson ... from an intuitive healer

Aug 11, 2018

I've done cleanses.  I've used sweetgrass to rid my space of negative energy.  I'm a Feng Shui practitioner and I am certified in alternative techniques that my brain cannot logically comprehend.  I know that manifestation works and some of my friends SWEAR that I can create weather changes (for the record ... it's starting to go beyond coincidental, to the point at which I'm beginning to believe them ...)

I believe with everything in my being that there is "stuff out there" that we cannot explain, but despite them defying logic, they work.  If you're still with me, you'll get this next piece:

I booked a session with an intuitive healer/medium.

I called her and whoa ... it was super cool (that whole experience could be a blog for a different day).  A few of my favourite people in the world spoke to me through her and gave me advice that I knew I needed ... and then she said something that stood out to me so clearly ...

"Sandra, I feel like your life lesson is BALANCE".

As a Libra (the balance scales are my zodiac sign) and as a Feng Shui Practitioner, one would think that I would already know this fucking lesson, but apparently I'm a slow learner.  YES.  My life lesson so clearly is balance and WHY?  Because I seriously have none of it.

It's all or nothing with me.  I take on too much.  I always say yes.  If I'm told working more will result in more success, money, significance, recognition, free time (enter anything in here really) ... I will do it.  I will work 24/7 if I feel I'm making a difference.  Then all of a sudden I realize that my efforts are not  a) recognized or b) getting the results that all this hard work SHOULD see ... and I go from glass is full to glass is GONE, in what seems like an instant.  

Yep ... she is right.  My life lesson is BALANCE and I'm a work in progress, for sure.

If you google "how to find balance" you'll likely find a lot of great ideas:

- schedule breaks and honour them
- delegate to others
- learn to say no
- break down large tasks into smaller ones
- use a to-do list

Yep ... all good ideas.  None of them resonated with me in a way that made sense enough for me to actually follow.

But one did.

Honour yourself by setting some boundaries.

Hmmmm.  That's a great point isn't it?  We are not HONOURING ourselves when we function in a scattered way, taking on more and more and rarely saying "no".  I started to look at the areas in my life where that is occurring and decided to take some action:

1) my nutrition - I have recently fully embraced the "no guilt" shalt be associated with food movement.  Unfortunately, that has also come with a total lack of boundaries and an obsession with potato chips.  I realize that intuitive eating is about eating foods that make you feel GOOD and eating when you're hungry, stopping when you are full ... but as it turns out, I suck at that.  I NEED some structure in my diet.  

2) my business - I am currently creating a course for new leaders that I'm SOOOOOO FREAKIN EXCITED ABOUT!!!!  (Seriously, the more I write, the more I think "holy shit I wish I had THIS when I was first starting my team in network marketing).  I'm almost done and ready to create a waitlist for it but what am I doing???  I'm signing up for fun business and marketing challenges, I'm doing business trainings and launch strategy videos.  I'm downloading more podcasts and ordering more books.  ALL of these things are incredible but they are detracting from the time and energy that I need for my course creation.  I can do them later ... now I need focus.

3) my home - I believe 10000% that your home is a reflection of what you are experiencing (and also, of what you are creating) and throughout the summer I've noticed a lot of "undone tasks" that are accumulating around here.  Magazines and books that I "intend to read" are sitting on my ottoman and items to be given away are in my spare room.  I have clothes in my closet that I don't wear and kitchen gadgets in a drawer that I don't use.  From this explanation you can see how it mirrors what ELSE is going on, hey???

After that reflection, it's pretty clear what I need ... boundaries.  YEP!  Let's get some structure in place.  I'm back to following a bit more structure to my diet (I have some GREAT balanced plans to follow ... I just need to implement them).  I'm working on my business FIRST each day and once I'm done what I've planned, then I can focus on relaxation or books or whatever I choose to do for "fun".  I'm going to spend a bit of time (10 min a day will do!) to organize my home and trust me ... that will feel oh so much better.

I KNOW that this will provide me that BALANCE that I'm seeking because I've experienced it before.  Sometimes I just need a reminder from above.  ;)  

Are you experiencing that feeling of being overwhelmed, lacking balance, needing to create "space" in your life?  Take some time for reflection as I have.  Choose 1 - 3 areas of your life where you feel you need some structure and create a plan.   Adding structure and a plan provides an incredible feeling of freedom and we ALL deserve that ...

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