Sandra Priestley Coaching

Do you feel like you have money blocks? Try this method to release them in 4 easy-to-follow steps

Jul 15, 2018

What you may not know is that I do a LOT of personal development. I always have. I grew up addicted to the Oprah Show, I read PD books she recommended even in my teens and I enjoy learning how I can improve myself and my life.

Lately I’ve been focusing on releasing the random stupid shit I say to myself - that negative self-talk that keeps me fearful; the ridiculous crap that keeps me small.

We all have it, so please don’t think you are unique in this ...

A few weeks ago, I learned about an exercise to follow to release money blocks so I decided to try it.  I was to write out ALL the negative thoughts I have that keep me from abundance. I THOUGHT I would struggle with this exercise cause to be honest, because for the most part I am positive, inspired and I believe that we can create an amazing life. I also believe that my life has been pretty blessed.

Step One:  I sat down to write.

Two full pages of my own negative thoughts about myself and money just flew out of my pen with ease. As I wrote each point, I felt them so deeply - they are true to me, to the very core of my being. I stopped abruptly when I intuitively knew that I was done.

Step Two:  I reread what I had written.

In shock ... I could so vividly see that NONE of these things were true. NONE of them made logical sense yet one minute earlier I believed them with every fibre of my being.  How long have I been carrying this crap around with me?  Where did these beliefs COME from?   

I read them one more time, feeling the feelings and mentally noting how ridiculous, untruthful and hurtful each point was.  I truly could see how much damage these garbage thoughts were doing to me in that one moment and it pained me to reread them.  It was as if my conscious mind had NO CLUE about the negative thoughts my subconscious had been carrying around all these years.

Step Three:  I gently ripped up the pages.

Yep you read that correctly ... I gently ripped them up.  Now, I'm sure that many people would choose to rip these papers up with force, amid tears with makeup streaming down their faces yelling "F.U. negative thoughts!!!" but that wasn't what I chose (though no judgement here if this is your go-to cause truth be told, that's me sometimes too).  This day, I chose to gently tear the papers, thanking the "old me" who felt she needed these thoughts to protect her and forgiving myself for carrying them for as long as I had.  

Step Four:  I removed them from the house.

I placed them in the outside garbage saying farewell to all of that past crap that I no longer needed and all those mean thoughts that I had carried for so long.  

What's crazy (and awesome) is that I couldn't even BEGIN to tell you what those thoughts were now.  They are gone from my mind and I feel freer as a result.  I'm not entirely sure that money has been flowing my way much quicker yet but I can tell you this ... it is ALWAYS a good thing, to release the negative shit we subconsciously carry around.  

If you're willing to do the work (and go through the crappy emotions that might creep up in the process), this is a good cathartic method to follow:

1.  Write   
2. Read
3. Rip
4. Release

If you decide to try it, let me know how it went!



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