Sandra Priestley Coaching
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You FEEL it so deeply.  You are meant to live an abundant life … you are MADE FOR MORE than just existing ... but these thoughts keep creeping in:

What if I NEVER hit the success I want?

What if I continue to work so hard at this, but I continue to fail?

What I’m not good enough?"

You might flip flop back and forth from fear to faith, faith to fear ... over and over again on this irritating roller-coaster of bullshit ...
… and THEN what happens?
We start to question everything we think.

We start to look for permission from coaches, from family, from friends and from the neighbour kid who’s slightly weird and drives us fucking crazy.
We get lost in the scroll looking at what everyone else is doing.
We sign up for courses we don’t finish, buy books we don’t read and we follow coaches who we THINK will give us their exact blueprint to the success and freedom that we want so desperately.
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but HERE is the key ... 

PICASSO …didn’t have a blueprint.

He TRIED to paint like Rembrandt but it was HIS uniqueness that changed the way we see art to this day.

He didn’t follow those painters before him and he SURE as shit didn’t have a paint-by-number plan … like the one you’re looking for.
He found his gift, his passion, his uniqueness ... and then he leaned all the way in and created his masterpiece.

We ALL have that inner Picasso …the combo of talents, gifts, strengths and uniqueness that NO ONE ELSE HAS.
and the Universe/God/Source energy ... INTENDED to use them
By finding your unique combo of gifts, and doing the inner work, the DEEP work that is needed to unearth them … THAT is what brings us to alignment.

The ALIGNMENT is what creates the freedom, the abundance, the joy and the success that we so desperately desire.


This course will allow us to peel back the layers of what is holding us back, recognize our unique gifts and then step into the energy and mastery that we need to lean in.
The gift, the strength, the abundance, the joy, the love, the happiness, the fulfillment, the success, the power …it is ALL WITHIN YOU.

This is what it looks like:

Sandra Priestley

✔ Your injection of Sandra magic… yep… intuitive trainings like you've never heard before with the knowledge, mindset and emotional mastery you need, to change the way you interact in the world 
✔ My own 4-A format to transformation, using the Power of Me, to bring out the Power in YOU in a live group coaching format for four full weeks.  Every few days you will come hang out with me LIVE (with access to the recordings during the program)
✔ some Feng Shui ... cause your space is pivotal to your success!

A SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY OF WOMEN WHO WANT TO LEVEL UP.  You will fit right in if you are:

✔ Ready to change your circumstances
✔ Ready to take risks and invest in yourself.
✔ SERIOUS about finally making changes, cause you know that life is too short to fuck around.
✔ Have decided to drop the “busy badge” and the bullshit because let’s face it… you KNOW you only use that as an excuse that you hope people see as a palatable reason for not taking action.

CHANNELLED MEDITATIONS, JOURNAL PROMPTS, FENG SHUI and TRUTHBOMBS that most business coaches won't give you and only I can deliver.

✔ THIS part … it’s THIS work that will move the marker for you.  It's doing THE DEEP WORK but also ... having fun while you learn.  
✔ THIS is what will change the mother-f*ckin game.  (Not ENTIRELY sure why I put that * in there ... I say a LOT of words with that letter u in them ... )

I AM READY TO LIFE THE EXTRAORDINARY LIFE! Where is the pay in full option?

Still over-analyzing the hell out of this and not yet tired of reading?

Here is what just a few of the girls I've worked with have to say:

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"I spoke with Sandra in November 2018 and she gave me an idea for my business.  She has changed the entire trajectory of my whole life.  She has the ability to see something in your business that you can’t see.  She’s like a business whisperer!  She has this talent to give you strategies or skills or ideas or perspectives or ideas you haven’t thought of.  

Update:  IN LESS THAN TWO YEARS Sarra hit 1.3 million dollars in sales and she CONTINUES to climb, come up with new ideas and help Beachbody Coaches around the globe ROCK their businesses.
- Sarra Edwards - creator of the Challenge Group Upgrade
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I have no idea what I did with my life before she came into it.  She helped me clarify so much and took so much weight off my shoulders.

- Erika Hungness - Certified Holistic Health & Endometriosis Coach.  Host of The Holistic Beautie Podcast
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"Sandra has the best ideas;  she sees patterns in my strengths as a coach and is able to pull it all together in a way that I've never thought of.  I trust her advice always!  Plus, she used her intuition to help me find my lost dog one time too!  haha"  

- Ashley Chandler Success Coach for Entrepreneurs 
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Working with Sandra has been such a pleasure. At this point in my life and in my business I am all about being very intentional. Sandra’s knowledge and expertise has been a game changer in my business.  

- Kelly Dunlap - NLP, Mindset and Metabolism Coach

Now… let’s face it making changes can be scary and committing to something financially is sometimes even scarier. 

I know this because I have had all of these thoughts myself:

“What if I invest in this coach and I regret it?”

“What if I don’t see the results that I WANT to see?”

“What if I sign up and then I don’t do the work?"

"What if my husband thinks I’m a nutjob and I’m wasting our money on wishes and dreams?"

"What if I disappoint my coach?  What if I disappoint MYSELF?"

But then I consider:



It’s at that point when I am open to: 





Each time I have done so whether it has been $22 or $22,000 ... I started to step into alignment more and more.  I’ve created a business and a life that I love, that is TRULY me in all my weirdness.  I get to feel the freedom of being my authentic self, attracting people into my circle who lift me higher and I get to help women find, design and manifest extraordinary lives.

How does it get any better than this??  

Let me help you with the how ...

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In an effort to figure out who I am meant to be in this world, I have done a LOT of things but what I've come to realize is that what makes me powerful is NOT what I have done, the awards I've won nor the education I have.  It's who I AM ... at the core.  It's the power of ME.

I’m a cool combo of no bullshit blunt (but loving) advice, strong intuitive abilities and I have the superpower of dyslexia that allows me to see what others can't and to my VERY CORE I believe ...

when we find and use our gifts (and stop trying to focus on and fix our fucking weaknesses), life becomes extraordinary.

I give you permission to be free, to dream and explore.

I give you the deep inner healing work that we need in order to step into our gifts.

I help you find YOUR unique combo so that you can be, do and have all that you desire.

and I won't stop until we find it so you can reach this freedom too.

I'm in ... I'm ready to find my own personal POWER! I'd like to pay in 5 instalments please!
I'm in ... but I'd like a longer payment plan. Is that an option??
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